What To Do When Moving Provinces - Burly Boyz Moving

Moving to a new province can be both exciting and overwhelming. To ensure a seamless transition, it’s crucial to meticulously plan every step of the move.

Here’s a comprehensive timeline from Burly Boyz Moving & Storage to guide you through the process, from the initial planning stages to settling into your new home.



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2 Months Before the Move

Planning your move well in advance is crucial for a smooth and stress-free relocation, especially when moving to a new province. We have compiled a list of what you must do two months before the move to set a solid foundation for the rest of your moving process.


Research and Choose a Moving Company

Start by getting quotes from several reputable moving companies. Compare their services, including packing, transportation, and any additional services such as storage or vehicle transport.

Websites like MovingWaldo and HomeStars provide lists of highly-rated moving companies and reviews to help you make an informed decision​​.

Look for companies that offer transparent pricing with no hidden fees. For example, Burly Boyz Moving and Storage provides upfront, honest quotes for long-distance moving based on a thorough inventory of your belongings​.


Book Early

Secure Your Date: Moving companies can get booked quickly, especially during peak moving seasons. Book as early as possible to ensure you get your preferred moving date. Early booking also gives you more flexibility in scheduling and planning​ (Burly Boyz Moving & Storage)​.


Start Decluttering

Go through your home room by room and decide what you want to keep, donate, sell, or discard. This is an excellent opportunity to downsize and only take what you truly need to your new home. Items rarely used or no longer needed can be donated to local charities or sold online​.

Consider organizing a garage sale to get rid of unwanted items and make some extra cash. You can also list items on platforms like Kijiji or Facebook Marketplace to reach a wider audience​ (Burly Boyz Moving)​.


Notify Important Parties

  • Schools: Notify your children’s schools about the move and request that their academic records be transferred to the new school.
  • Employer: Similarly, inform your employer about your relocation and discuss any necessary paperwork or adjustments. If you’re changing jobs, ensure your new employer knows your moving timeline​.
  • Utility Companies: Contact your utility providers (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.) to schedule the disconnection of services at your current home and the connection of services at your new home. Do this well in advance to avoid any service interruptions.
  • Update Address: Begin updating your address with important institutions such as banks, insurance companies, and subscription services. This ensures all your important mail and communications are directed to your new home​​.


6 Weeks Before the Move

As your moving day approaches, it’s essential to focus on packing and other logistical arrangements. Here’s what you need to do six weeks before the move to keep everything on track.


Gather Packing Supplies

Purchase Sturdy Boxes: Invest in durable boxes of various sizes to ensure your belongings are well-protected during the move. Avoid using old or damaged boxes that might collapse under weight.

Packing Tape and Bubble Wrap: Stock up on packing tape, bubble wrap, and other protective materials. Bubble wrap is handy for fragile items while packing tape secures your boxes.

Markers and Labels: Get permanent markers and labels to mark each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. This will make unpacking much easier.

Consider renting reusable packing boxes from Burly Boyz. These eco-friendly options can reduce waste and are often more durable than traditional cardboard boxes.

Use recycled paper or biodegradable packing materials instead of plastic-based options to minimize your environmental impact.


Start Packing Non-Essentials

Start by packing items you won’t need before the move, such as out-of-season clothes and holiday decorations. This will help reduce the clutter and get you started without disrupting your daily life.

Pack away any decorative items, such as artwork, vases, and photo frames. These items are usually not essential and can be safely stored until you settle into your new home.

Clearly label each box with its contents and the room to which it belongs. For example, “Winter Clothes – Master Bedroom” or “Books – Living Room.” This will help you and the movers know where each box should go in your new home.

Consider using a color-coding system to identify which boxes go in which rooms easily. For instance, green labels should be used for kitchen items, blue for bedroom items, etc.


Arrange Transportation for Pets

Ensure you have appropriate carriers for your pets. The carrier should be comfortable, well-ventilated, and large enough for your pet to move around.

Let your pets spend time in their carriers daily to acclimate. This will make the actual moving day less stressful for them.


Veterinary Records

Visit your veterinarian to obtain your pets’ health records and ensure all vaccinations are current. Traveling and registering with a new vet in your new province may require these records.

If your pet requires medication, ensure you have enough to last through the move and a bit beyond. Ask your vet for travel tips to ensure your pet’s comfort and safety.


1 Month Before the Move

With only one month left before your move, it’s time to finalize key details and make crucial arrangements to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s what you need to do one month before the move.


Confirm Travel Arrangements

If your move requires a multi-day journey, book accommodations for overnight stops. If you’re traveling with pets, look for pet-friendly hotels.

If there will be a gap between moving out of your old home and into your new one, arrange for temporary housing. This could be an extended-stay hotel or a short-term rental.

Plan your travel route, including rest stops, gas stations, and restaurants. Ensure that you have a reliable GPS or map application to guide you.

Verify if there are any road closures or construction that might affect your travel route. Adjust your plans accordingly to avoid delays.


Notify Change of Address


Postal Service

  • Mail Forwarding: Set up mail forwarding with Canada Post to ensure you receive all your mail at your new address. This service can be set up online and usually starts within a few business days.
  • Update Subscriptions: Change your address for all your magazine and newspaper subscriptions to ensure all issues are addressed.


Update Addresses

  • Banks and Financial Institutions: Notify your bank, credit card companies, and other financial institutions of your new address. This ensures that important statements and notifications reach you.
  • Insurance Companies: Update your address with your health, auto, home, and life insurance providers. This is crucial to maintain your coverage and receive timely communication.
  • Government Agencies: Inform relevant government agencies of your new address, such as the CRA and provincial health services. This is essential for receiving tax documents, health cards, and other official correspondence.
  • Utilities and Service Providers: Update your address with utility companies (electricity, gas, water, internet) to ensure service transfer and continuity.


Prepare Your New Home

Arrange for utilities (electricity, gas, water, internet, etc.) to be connected to your new home before arrival. Contact the service providers in advance to set up accounts and schedule installation appointments if necessary.

If your new home has a security system, schedule a time to activate it or set up a new one for peace of mind.

We know it’s in another province. But if possible, visit your new home to clean and inspect it before moving in. This allows you to address immediate maintenance issues and start fresh in a clean environment.

Consider hiring professional cleaners to clean your new home thoroughly before you move in. This can save you time and ensure a spotless start.


2 Weeks Before the Move

With just two weeks left before your move, it’s time to focus on final preparations and ensure all details are in place. This period is crucial for packing essential items, confirming moving arrangements, and managing utility transfers.


Pack Important Documents

Gather all essential documents such as birth certificates, passports, medical records, insurance policies, and legal documents. Pack these in a clearly labeled, secure box or a file folder you keep during the move.

Important financial documents include bank statements, tax records, and mortgage documents. They should also be kept in a secure, easily accessible place.


Medications and Valuables

Pack any prescription medications you or your family members may need, ensuring you have enough to last through the move and a few days beyond. Keep these in your carry-on.

Store jewelry, heirlooms, and other valuable items in a safe, separate container to ensure their safety during the move.


Confirm Moving Details

Contact your moving company to reconfirm all details, including the moving date, time of arrival, and any specific instructions. This is an excellent time to discuss any last-minute changes or concerns.

Guess what? Burly Boyz doesn’t have any hidden or last-minute charges!

Provide special instructions for handling fragile or valuable items and confirm the inventory list. Ensure the movers have all the necessary contact information to reach you during the move.


Important Contacts

Inform close friends and family of your new address and moving date. This will ensure they know how to reach you and can update their contact information.

Confirm that your new address is updated with your employer and children’s schools. Ensure all necessary paperwork is completed for school transfers.


Prepare Your New Home

Confirm that all utilities at your new home (electricity, gas, water, internet) are scheduled to be connected before arrival. This avoids any inconvenience when you move in.

If your new home has a security system, ensure it is activated and functioning properly before you arrive.

Visit your new home for a final inspection to ensure it is ready for arrival. Check for any last-minute repairs or cleaning that may be needed.

If you haven’t already, consider hiring professional cleaners to thoroughly clean your new home before moving in. This ensures a fresh, clean start in your new space.


Moving Day: The D-Day for You

Moving Day The D-Day for You - Burly Boyz Moving

Moving day is finally here! This is the culmination of all your planning and preparation, and while it can be a hectic day, staying organized and following these steps will help ensure everything goes smoothly.


Early Start

Start your day early to ensure you have plenty of time to manage any last-minute tasks. Being up and ready before the movers arrive allows you to handle any unexpected issues calmly.

Ensure you eat a nutritious breakfast to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. Moving can be physically and mentally demanding, so staying fueled is essential.


Final Preparations

Wear comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes to facilitate moving and handling boxes. Avoid loose clothing that could get caught on furniture or boxes.

Ensure that your essentials box (containing important documents, medications, snacks, and other necessities) is easily accessible and ready to go.


Assist Movers

Be present to answer any questions the movers might have. They may need clarification on which items require special care or where certain boxes should go.

Give clear instructions about fragile items, any furniture disassembly required, and how you’d like things loaded into the truck to facilitate easy unloading.


Supervise Loading

Supervise the loading process to ensure your belongings are handled with care. Ensure heavy items are loaded first, and fragile items are adequately protected.

Double-check that all boxes are correctly labeled with their contents and destination rooms. This will make unloading at your new home much easier.


Final Walkthrough

Before leaving, thoroughly walk through your old home to ensure nothing is left behind. Check all rooms, closets, cabinets, and storage areas.

Ensure all windows and doors are closed and locked. This is especially important if you’re leaving the property vacant for any period.


Turn Off Utilities

Turn off all lights, appliances, and the thermostat. If you have arranged for utilities to be disconnected, this step ensures everything is in order.

If you’re selling or renting out your old home, leave the keys and any necessary instructions for the new occupants or the landlord.


Travel to New Home

Follow the travel route you planned, and be mindful of rest stops and gas stations along the way. Ensure your phone is charged and you have a car charger if necessary.

Keep in contact with the moving company during the trip. Confirm the estimated arrival time at your new home and update them if there are any delays.


Arrival at New Home

Upon arrival, quickly inspect your new home to ensure everything is in order and ready for unloading.

Be ready to direct the movers on where to place furniture and boxes. Use your labeled boxes and a floor plan to make this process more efficient.


Unloading and Assembly

Guide the movers to place boxes in their designated rooms according to the labels. This will make unpacking easier and more organized.

As items are unloaded, check for visible damages. Document any issues and inform the moving company immediately if you notice any issues.


Furniture Assembly

Direct the movers to reassemble any furniture that was disassembled for the move. Ensure everything is back together correctly and placed in the desired locations.

Set up essential items, such as beds, basic kitchen items, and toiletries. This will allow you to rest and settle in comfortably on your first night.


Final Wrap-Up

 If you’re satisfied with the movers’ work, consider tipping them as a gesture of appreciation. The amount can vary, but a common guideline is to tip $20-$50 per mover, depending on the complexity and duration of the move.

However, tipping is not required and is done only when you are satisfied with our moving job and the movers’ customer service skills.

Share your experience with the moving company by leaving a review. This helps others make informed decisions and provides valuable feedback to the company.

Burly Boyz Moving has achieved 4.5-star reviews on Google for our exceptional services, professionalism, and work ethics.

Take a moment to reflect on the moving process and identify any areas for improvement for future moves. Celebrate the successful completion of a significant milestone.



Moving to a new province is an exciting yet daunting journey. At Burly Boyz Moving and Storage, we ensure that every step of your move is as smooth and stress-free as possible.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve laid the groundwork for a successful transition. Remember, meticulous planning and organization can transform a potentially overwhelming process into an exciting new beginning.

As you embark on this new chapter, know you’re not alone. Our team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way, providing the expertise and care needed to make your move seamless.

Here’s to new adventures, new experiences, and a fresh start. If you need any assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Welcome to your new home!