Planning an Office Move?

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Woohoo you’re moving into a new office, sounds exciting!  New space, new office, new location……. but then panic sets in.  An OFFICE MOVE! There is SO much to do. Here’s some help to guide you when planning an office move.

There are so many moving parts in an office move which can be overwhelming and stressful.

Hiring the right movers can help!  Burly Boyz Moving & Storage team of movers have years of experience in managing these types of moves.  We help reduce the stress and downtime to ensure you are back up and running smoothly.

We have learned a lot over the years and have a handy list to help your office move.

PHASE 1: Planning
Usually 12 – 6 months before the move

1. Organize the move in one place

Some people have a project management program in which they can put together a checklist of items that need to be done when they need to be completed by and who each task is assigned to.  Here you can record all tasks and items that need to be done.

 2. Announce the move to employees

Sending out a communication to your staff with all the details you can provide

  • Location
  • Date of move
  • Why the move
  • What is needed from the employees?
  • Ask if there are a few employees interested in being part of the move team to help

3. Employee Feedback

Getting employees feedback on how the new space can be comfortable for them, or suggestions on flow of the office, equipment requirements, wish items, etc.

 Creating a survey with a timeline in which to submit it by can help with your planning rather than a bunch of different emails.

4. Organize Office Documents

Put all important office related documents together in a binder or in a file on your computer.  This could include your lease or rent documents, insurance, contracts, agreements, office services, etc.

5. Create your budget

These are costs that you will incur with the move.

  • Moving Company
  • Boxes and packing supplies
  • Furniture
  • Signage and changing the address on all business documents (business cards, letterhead, envelopes, etc.)
  • Informing suppliers, vendors, customers (could be an email, postcard, etc.)
  • Changing the phones over, hiring a computer tech for the move
  • New audio-visual equipment, special office equipment?
  • etc.

6. Organize your volunteer team

Moving is stressful enough, try not to do it alone.  Get a volunteer from each department, or a few volunteers from the office to be responsible for certain tasks.

PHASE 2: Packing and Preparing
6 – 3 months before the move

1. Hire your movers and get your boxes

Try to find a mover that includes almost everything. Burly Boyz Moving & Storage has all of your bases covered with moving boxes, eco-friendly moving boxes, professional movers that will help you pack, label and move your items, or if you want to do the packing yourself we can help coordinate your move.

 2Secure loading and unloading locations with property

Ensure the property knows about the office move and find out their rules about moving. Secure loading and unloading times and locations and book the elevator.

 3Select a cleaning service and cleanup crew

 4. Review workflows in the new space and seating arrangements

Ensure what was planned for desk areas, printers, front reception, etc. will all flow well. Create new seating arrangements and send to those that need to review.

5Downsize and Declutter

Just like when you are moving from your home, reduce the amount of items you must move. Make a space and label the items you would like to trash, recycle, or take to the eco-station. Or plan an office sale of items you do not want to move to the new office.

 For example:

  • Old, broken electronics and phones
  • Old binders, magazines, documents (consider a shredder)
  • Consider the space in the new office, should you store boxes of old files that you need to keep?

6Start packing!

Do not leave it to the last minute.  Have boxes and labels supplied for the staff as well to declutter and start packing their office spaces too. Ensure that you let your staff know what their new desk number to add to their labels.  This will help the movers when they get to the new office.  When staff arrive, their boxes will be at their new space.

PHASE 3: Moving & Organizing
3 – 0 months before the move

1. Ensure boxes are sealed and labeled properly

As mentioned above, assigning numbers, or using colour coordinated labels help save time and is more efficient for the movers.

 2Provide an update to the employees

Make sure you are always keeping them in the loop.

 3Update Stationery

Make sure to update and order new letterhead, envelopes, business cards, etc.

 4Connect/Disconnect Utilities

This may be something that your building company will do for you, check with the building manager.  Ensure everything is hooked up prior to the move, so there are no delays.

 5Finish packing and clean as you go

 6. Moving Day

Have a moving day crew, that ensure the office move goes smoothly and boxes are in their correct spaces. Have a tech on hand to hook up all the computers, phones, etc.

 7Throw a celebration of the new space

Burly Boyz Moving & Storage can help! We provide full or partial packing services, heated indoor storage, boxes and packing materials. And now reusable, durable moving boxes.  The Burly Box comes with a box cart so you can pack a box, roll to your next spot, stack another box and repeat. We provide excellent rates for office and commercial moves. Contact us for details, 1-800-991-6441.

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