Moving With Cats: Stress-Free Relocation For Your Feline Friend

moving with cats

Moving to a new home is often a stressful experience for everyone involved, but it can be incredibly challenging for cats. Cats are sensitive creatures that tend to be territorial, making the change in their environment particularly unsettling.
However, with proper preparation and care, moving with cats can be smooth and successful. In this blog post, we’ll provide tips on easing the transition for your feline companion and how we can assist you with every step.

Preparing Your Cat for the Move

Get Your Cat Used to the Carrier Early

Cats often associate their carrier with stressful trips to the vet, so it’s important to familiarize them with it well before moving day.

Start by leaving the carrier out in your home with the door open so your cat can explore it at its own pace. You can make the carrier more inviting by placing soft bedding and toys inside or even giving your cat treats or meals in it.

This positive association will help reduce anxiety when it’s time for the move.

Keep a Routine

Cats thrive on routine, and a sudden change can cause anxiety. During packing, try to maintain your cat’s daily schedule, including feeding times, play sessions, and quiet time.

Packing gradually over time instead of all at once can also help reduce stress for your cat. Moving disrupts their environment, so ensuring their daily habits remain consistent can provide them stability.

Designate a Safe Space

On a moving day, all the activity and noise can overwhelm your cat. Create a designated safe space in a quiet room or area of your home where your cat can stay during the commotion.

Ensure the room has all the essentials: food, water, a litter box, and familiar bedding or toys. You can even use a pheromone spray like Feliway, which mimics calming scents to help keep your cat at ease.

Moving Day: Transporting Your Cat Safely

Keep Your Cat in the Carrier

On the day of the move, place your cat securely in their carrier, ideally with soft bedding or a blanket that smells like home. This familiarity can be a great comfort to your cat.

Ensure the carrier is well-ventilated and secure and the door is locked. While it may be tempting to let your cat roam free in the car, keeping them in the carrier is much safer to prevent accidents or injuries.

Maintain a Calm Environment

If you are traveling by car for a long distance, make sure the ride is as smooth as possible. Cats are sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements, so calm and quiet the environment.

If your move is taking you across provinces, plan stops to give your cat a break from the journey. Never leave your cat in a parked car for extended periods, especially in extreme temperatures.

What to Pack for the Journey

Be sure to pack all of your cat’s essentials in an easily accessible travel bag. This should include food, water, portable dishes, medications your cat needs, and familiar items like a favorite blanket or toy.

You should also have a litter box ready during stops along the way. These supplies will help your cat feel more comfortable during the trip.

Helping Your Cat Settle into the New Home

Start Slowly in a Single Room

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, it’s important to give your cat time to adjust. Start by setting up a designated room with all its essentials: food, water, a litter box, bedding, and toys.

Keep your cat in this room for a few days until it feels comfortable in the new environment. Allow it to explore other parts of the house gradually so it isn’t overwhelmed by the unfamiliar space all at once.

Stick to Your Routine

Maintaining your cat’s routine is just as crucial after the move. Continue feeding and playing with your cat at the exact times each day. Maintaining their schedule will help them feel more secure in the new home.

Offer Reassurance and Comfort

Your cat will likely need some extra reassurance as it adjusts to its new surroundings. Spend time with it in its safe space, offering pets and gentle words of encouragement. Gradually introduce it to new rooms in the home, always allowing it to explore at its own pace.

moving with cats

How Burly Boyz Can Help with Your Move

Burly Boyz Storage and Moving Company offers full-service moving solutions that can make relocating with pets, like your cat, much more accessible. Here’s how we can assist:

Professional Packing Services

Packing your home while managing a cat can be difficult, but Burly Boyz’s professional packing services can handle the logistics.

We ensure that all your belongings, including fragile items like glassware or electronics, are packed securely for the move, giving you more time to focus on your cat’s needs.

Secure Transportation

Our team of experienced movers will safely transport all your belongings, so you don’t have to worry about moving fragile or valuable items yourself.

Burly Boyz’s state-of-the-art moving trucks will securely transport your furniture and other possessions to your new home.

Storage Solutions

If you need to store some items during your move, Burly Boyz also offers climate-controlled storage solutions to keep your belongings safe.

Whether short-term or long-term storage, you can trust that your items will be stored securely until you’re ready to have them delivered to your new home.

Conclusion: A Stress-Free Move for You and Your Cat

Moving with a cat requires careful planning and attention to detail, but with the proper preparation, you can make the transition smoother for you and your feline companion.

By following the tips in this guide and working with a professional moving company like Burly Boyz, you can ensure your move is as stress-free as possible.

Professional packing, secure transportation, or storage solutions – Boyz has the expertise and services to help you through every step of the process. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist with your next move!